They assemble once in twenty days.Decisons are made by them and the decisions made by them are sacrosanct.
Devasabha is the place where these "Siva equivalent people" meet.Yes they are equivalent to Lord Siva.
This was said by lord siva himself and the Lord had advised Sundarar to start his canonical,"Thiruthondar puranam" after praising this godly group.
The leader of the twenty people had decided to allow Nandanar to see lord siva.
“Yes we all had dreams”,twenty of them spoke in unison.
“Lord siva came in our dreams”.
“He had instructed us to allow Nandanar to enter the temple”.
“How can a low class guy come and see the lord?”
“Yes he can’t come and he should not come”.
“But lord siva has instructed us”
“Dreams cannot be true”- there was a counter.
“But how all of us had same vision as a dream, at the same time and in a single night”.
“Definitely its lord siva's order”.
“We need to follow it”.
“Sir,people who eat meat,who drink and who smell, can they enter the temple”.
“They can only see god from the entrance”.
“Nataraja can be seen only by us and people who we allow”.
“Nandanar cannot enter”.
“Did siva say these people cannot enter”,a young dikshithar questioned.
“This is the age old custom cannot be changed” was the counter.
“Nandanar has Siva’s blessings”.
“How are you telling this nonsense?”
“Yes in a single night lord siva created a miracle by cleaning up 50 acres of land”.
“He does not drink and eat meat”
“He is pure” were the arguments favouring Nandanar.
“But he is neither an anthanar or a king”.
“He is just asking to enter the temple and he is not asking to do pooja”.
“No he cannot enter”said the majority in unison.
The leader of the godly group finally spoke -“Nandanar will enter the temple as per the dream”
“Invite him tomorrow” and he left the Devasabha.
The debate ended in a sentence.
A small village around 30 kms from Chidambaram is Adhanoor.There lived Nandanar a tribe or pariah but a deep Saivite. Nandanar had just worshiped lord siva and was getting ready to work.He felt today his boss will allow him to visit Chidambaram.
Before I die I should see Natarajan.
He showed himself for me at Thirupunkur and he will change my master’s heart and allow me to see Nataraja.
He reached the master’s palatial house and was doing work at the back yard cleaning and then feeding the cows.
He can never enter the house.He should not also. Nandanar had a dark skin and was a low caste by birth.
Rudra malai on his neck and the ash on his forehead did mean he is a Saivite but by birth and work he was untouchable.
By evening after finishing work he stood at a distance of more than ten feet and asked his master,
“Why you are fond of Chidambaram so much and you keep asking me almost every week?”.
“You go Nanda but after ploughing the 50 acres of land I have next to the temple”.
When this task was given to Nandanar,the Iyer knew it will take more than a month and when Nandanar comes after a month he will give him some other work.
How a low class idiot can visit Chidambaram. It can’t happen and will not happen.
Nandanar can only say yes and he wandered of towards the land to do his work,without even showing the grief in his face.
Nandanar knew by the time he finishes this work he will die.The thought of seeing lord Nataraja after finishing the work motivated him and he started the work.
By evening he became tired and by night he fainted and collapsed.
The master was sitting and was relaxing with his wife seated next to him.
His brother came hurriedly infront of him and said “Brother, please come with me”
“Please come with me to our land”.
“The entire land has been ploughed and Nandanar has done it in a single day”.
“What nonsense and it cannot happen?”,the bewildered master quirked.
“That is why I'm calling you,come with me and see the miracle”.
Both of them ran to their land.
Nandanar was surrounded by few of his friends and they were trying to wake him up.
The Iyer was stunned when he saw what had happened and he could not believe his eyes.
“I read vedhas but never practised what was taught in it”,mumbled the high class, Brahmin.
“Nandanar did not read anything but what he had done by praying to Siva in his own way is more than what I had learnt from Vedhas”.
As Nandhanar was getting up,he did not understand the situation. Iyer fell on Nandanar’s feet.
“Nandha,how 50acres can be ploughed in a single day”.
“You have done it and that's because of lord Sivas help”.
“Your tomorrow is today,Nandha”.
“My ego has gone”.
“You are a true saivite and though by birth you may be a low caste but by your work and deeds you are the real Brahmanan”.
“Please see lord nataraja and come back Nandha”.
I can see Nataraja - Nandanar was very happy.
I can see all three forms of siva.For me a low class person, god has opened the door and shown himself and now he has ploughed the land for me.Above all he has changed the heart of my master.
Nandanar started walking towards Chidambaram.
Though Nandanar was born as a tribe, he was a true Saivite abstained from non vegetarian food and lived a pious life. He was very popular among the local community because for him the holly bull at Thirupungur turned his head to the other side so that he can see lord Siva from the outside.
In a deeply divided society at that time tribes were considered impure and low class and not allowed to enter the temple.
Even now except for Brahmins others cannot touch the main deity.
Nandanar was a work alcoholic and his only dream was to see Nataraja.
It was a long walk and the dark and impure had entered the white and immaculate territory of Thillai vazh Anthanargal.
“You are welcome Nandanar and please enter through the South Gate”
“We request you to come walking through the Agni so that you will be purified”.
The other anthanargal looked at the chief priest and understood its hidden meaning and deception.
“Sir,you are siva's descendents and Siva is one among you”.
“ Sundaramurthy nayanmar himself praises you in his first song (thiruthondarpuranam)and the king decides after consulting you,I'm nothing in front of you”.
“I will walk and come sir, so that I will be purified”.
The innocent Nandanar was trapped by the intellectual deceit of the chief priest.
The irony is purification is required for mind and soul and not for the body. Nandanar despite being dark had a pure mind and soul.Unfortunately Thillaivazhanthanargal knew this but chose not to implement it but Nandhanar knew nothing for he knew and had only Siva.
Nandanar walked into the Pyre.
Chidambaram is an astonishingly beautiful temple.
The temple has four gopurams all are seven staged and all are roughly of same height.The first gopuram which was built is the one in the west.Roughly dated around 1150AD and it’s the smallest among the four.
The gopuram present at the southern side was built by the Pandya king as we can see their fish emblem engraved on the top.
The one on the north was completed by Krishnadevaraya and his image has been sculpted on the wall.
The construction of the northern gopuram begun around 1300AD and was completed during the reign of Devaraya in the 17th century.
The eastern gate could have been built by later Chozhas though completed by a fierce Saivite Kopperunchingan of Kadava dynasty in early 13th century. Kopperuchingan was also called as “Bharatha Malla”because of his love for Bharatha Natyam.The beautiful carvings of different Bharathanatyam postures on the walls of the eastern gateway shows the Kadava king’s love for Siva and dance.
Another interesting feature of these gopurams are every gopuram has been entered by a great Saivite at different point of time.
Appar had entered through the west,Nandanar and Sambandar via south,Sundarar via north and Manickavasagar entered the temple or Koil through east.Temple, in Tamil means “Kovil”and during those years the kings,scholars and the people used to say if at all there is a temple which is unparalleled for lord Siva then it is temple at Chidambaram for Nataraja and they called this temple as “Kovil”.
Manickavasagar had written Thiruvasagam at this place and became Shivam(united with lord siva) here.
An interesting story of a miracle done by Manickavasagar is associated with Chidambaram.
The story unwinds at Ceylon and culminates at Chidambaram.
“Where did you find this idiot?" asked the buddhist king of Ceylon.
“Sir this fellow is a Sivanadiyar(Lord sivas ardent follower) and he is always uttering Ponnambalam in our buddhist country”.
“Next time you say that word you will die”.
“Say sorry and leave”said the lenient and good king.
“Ponnambalam ponnambalam”
“Kill him,right here”,uttered the dismayed king.
The so called idiot was just uttering Ponnambalam.
The guard took the knife and came near the Sivanadiyar.
“Ponnambalam ponnambalam”was the constant muttering.
“Stop it don't kill him he has no fear of death in his eyes,let me talk with him”.
The guard retreated.
“Who is Ponnambalam?”,quizzed the king.
“Dont you don't know Ananda Thandavam”-King did not answer.
“Some people call this cosmic dance”
“He creates,he kills,he hides,he cares,and clears all sins”
“All this can be seen in his dance”,went on the idiot.
“This happens at Chidambaram and Ponnambalam is there”.
“The chozha king,Aditya and Parantakan,knew this and had made Ponnambalam - the gold tilted gopuram where lord nataraja is present”
“Ponnambalam is heart”
“Siva Thandavam will be slightly on the left,depicting the heart”.
“Sir,you know we breathe 21600 times per day and the king had put 21600 gold plates as roof”
“Every individual has 72000 nerves and the Ponnambalam has exactly 72000 nails”
“It has nine entrances depicting nine orifices of the human body”
“Ponnambalam has 64 sandalwood supports which depicts 64 kalaigal (Art)”
“Do you know sir”- King kept quiet.
“It does not stop here”
“You will see 4 golden pillars which depicts our four Vedas and another 6 golden pillars depicts our 6 shastras”.
“Ruthrapeedam had 28 pillars and this is equivalent to 28 agamas and the 96 windows show 96 thathuvangal(concepts)”
“Lord Siva is there as three forms”.
“When you see his dance you see him”.
“When you see the Spatika lingam you see form and formless forms of lord Siva”.
“When the vilva formed curtained is opened you will see the world as clouds which means Siva is every where(Chidambaram's secret)”.
“Our body is Ponnambalam,in our heart is Nataraja and when I understand this,I can see him everywhere”.
“Sir,you can kill me because I will go to lord Siva”.
“I will be happy if you kill me for telling you the Chidambara ragasyam(secret)”.
The guards neared him with the knives.
The king stared at them and they backed away.
He called his Buddhist monk and asked him “Why can't we go and see Ponnambalam?”.
“We shall go there and tell the virtues of Buddhism”
“We will take this gentle man also with us”
“You mean this idiot sir”.
“He will join me he is not an idiot”.
“I like him because he is not afraid of death and I don't believe Ponnambalam,however”.
Two weeks later the king had reached Chidambaram and the Chozha king welcomed him.
Chozha king told him,“Sir, you are free to talk about Buddhism to our people and you can start it from Ponnambalam itself”.
“If you have any learned person we don't mind talking with him about our virtues”.
“Yes sir,there is Manickavasagar inside the temple,he will debate with you.”
The kings entered the Raja sabhai next day.
It has 1000 pillars.
The walls once again have bass reliefs of different dance postures.
Huge elephants are on both sides of the 1000 pillared rajasabhai.
One buddhist monk came running to the king and said “Sir, there are only 999 pillars”
The Chozha king smiled and answered “Sir,yes there are only 999 the other one is invisible”.
“It's lord Siva leg”
“It's everywhere”.
The buddhist monk became red-faced due to his ignorance.
As soon as Manickavasagar entered Rajhasabhai the Chozha king got up and the Sivanadiyar who had accompanied the Srilankan king fell on Manickavasagar’s feet.
The Srilankan king introduced his members to Manickavasagar.
“She is my daughter”.
"She is dumb from birth and she joins me wherever I go”.
“I have brought with me 100 monks with whom we can discuss Buddhism and Saivism and I want to know which is better”.
Manickavasagar started saying the virtues of lord Siva and Buddhist monks started telling about Buddhism and the debate never ended.
Finally manickavasagar said “I shall prove lord siva's presence here at this temple”
“It will be a miracle and if you say yes, I will do”.
The king accepted.
“Lord Siva make these Buddhist monks dumb”requested Manickavasagar.
All stopped talking and became dumb.
The king was stunned.
He asked his chief monk to counter it and he also had become dumb.
To his dismay all remained dumb.
The King fell on Manickavasagar's feet and asked him to make all of them talk again.
“Sir no, lord Siva is ultimate”.
“Buddha is also a form of lord Siva”.
“I understood sir”,pantomimed the Srilankan King.
“You will get a gift now”.
“101 will talk now”.
The king could not understand.
A female voice started saying “Ponnambalam”.
“Hear your dumb daughter talking now and also hear the other100,talking”.
All monks uttered “Ponnambalam”.
Manickavasagar walked out of Rajhasabhai and entered Kanagasabhai so that he can see the evening Pooja.
Right infront of Chitrambalam or Ponnambalam,there is Kanagasabhai.
From here we can see lord Vishnu and lord Siva together.On the left lord Vishnu will be lying and seeing the dance of lord Siva.
The godly twenty people had assembled again,at Kovil’s,Devasabhai.
“He has to go”.
“Sir its not possible he also had come with us. He is also entitled to see the dance like we are seeing his dance”.
He was the sole dissenting voice.The dissenter started talking,
“I would like to tell you the story again which you are aware of”.
“The fight for the best dancer and also whether sakthi is bigger than siva happened here and it was between lord siva and parvathi”.
“This was witnessed by us and we came with lord siva along with Patanjali”.
“The moderator was Hari”.
“Siva asked Hari to come along with him and witness the dance and tell the world who the winner is”.
“The fight was intense”
“There were no loser here”.
“It was equal on all fronts”.
“Siva won because of being a male”.
“That was the only difference”.
“The intense dance was punctuated by a fall of the ear ring of lord siva”.
“The left ear ring had fallen down”.
“Siva took the ear ring with his right leg and lifted the foot and put the ear ring back”.
“This move could not be enacted by Paravathi because she was a female and she stood still”.
“Vishnu declared lord Siva as a winner”.
“This dance is called as Oorthavathandavam”. .
“As we are entitled to see his dance lord Vishnu too has to see the dance from the temple”,the dissenter rationalised.
“Yes,you are correct”.
“Vishnu will see the dance from his place”.
The dissenting voice felt happy as the chief of the select 20 dikshithars accepted his wish.
Kulothungan chozhan 2 was a deep saivite and was ruling the chozha kingdom at that point of time.
He was summoned by the godly deekshidars to the Devasabhai.
The King sat in front of the chief priest.
“What should I do?”.
“We heard you want to expand and beautify the temple?”.
“Yes sir if u bless us and allow”.
“Do it king”.
“When you expand what you will do with the Hari or Vishnu?”.
“Sir,that part also will be beautified”.
“No it can’t happen”.
“Why sir?”
“Hari has to go his place”.
“His place”?
“He is Sayana perumal and lies in sea with Adhiseshan as his bed”.
“Sirrr”,the king was surprised and taken aback.
“Yes do it”.
“If you do this you can beautify the temple”.
The king did it.The govindaraja perumal was thrown into the sea.
Ramanujar tried to stop it but the king was helpless.
Ramanujar left Chozha kingdom and went to Melkote fearing death.
Thillaivazh anthanargal made important decisions and the king was enthroned by the rituals conducted by them.
They are considered equal to lord Siva.
When they came with lord siva they were 3000 people and now their community at chidambaram has dwindled down to,1500 only.
They depict lord Siva and Parvathi together with their hair style,tonsured head with a long hair snaking down on the left side of the shoulder.They get married at very young age around 13.
The conjugal relationship starts only when the girl attains menarche.
They master all 4 vedas and Sastras and they are good at Sanskrit.
The entire temple is under their control.
This is as per lord siva’s wish.
After marraige and mastering vedas and sastras they are allowed to do poojas to the dieties inside the temple.
They are pure,immaculate and their only duty is to pray and worship god.
They are supposed to eat what is offered to them and they live and die for siva.
Yes they die for siva.
Around 1520 AD,Chidambaram was ruled by Krishnadevaraya.
Krishnadevaraya was a patron and believer of Vishnu and under him Vaishnavism thrived.
Vaishnavites wanted to bring back the idol of Govindaraja perumal back to Chidambaram temple.
Thatacharya was in forefront to bring back the idol.It was however thwarted by the Deekishiders,who went to the devarayar and pleaded against installing the idol.
The king asked for a meeting between the Deeksidhar and the Thatacharya to discuss about the virtues of saivism and vaishnavism so that he can undertsand which is better.
Both the priests accepted but Thatacharya wanted to install the idol of govindarjan at chidambaram if he won while deeksidar said Thatacharya should convert to saivism if he lost the debate and should back down his demand of installing the Perumal statue at Chidambaram.
The debate and tussle was won by the Deekshidar.
The king did not force Thatacharya to convert to saivism but accepted the demand of not installing the Govindaraja perumal statue at chidambaram.
Around 1570 AD the Krisnappa naik was the local king of South Vijayanagar kingdom at Chidambaram and adjoining areas.
He was an autonomous ruler and being a deep vaishnavite,he decided to install the Govindaraja perumal statue at Chidambaram at any cost.
He built a sanctum for the Govindaraja perumal adjacent to Ponnambalam.
Krishnappa was seated at the sanctum of Mukkuruni Vinayakar temple adjacent the western entry point.
Mukkuruni,is a form of measurement of grains-one Kurini is equivalent of 8 padis(a vessel ).
Three kuruni is Mukkuruni ie 24 padis of grains are used to feed Vinayaka during festival days.
When the deekshidars met him he said,“You are learned people and masters of Vedha”
“See the kalasa on the top of Gopuram”
“You can see three”
“This temple also has five Gopuram”
“The three kalasa on top depicts Siva,brahma and Vishnu.Vinayaka is not only the son of Siva but he represents all three ie Siva,Brahma and Vishnu.
“Similarly the five gopurams represents the five elements of the world”
“The walk way to the main sanctum has 4 praharams and including the main sanctum the total is 5”
“You are an expert on that and you very well know the four Praharams represent Annamayya kosham(materialistic body),the next is pranayama kosham(inside force of body),followed by manonmaya and vignaya Kosams which says one should desist from useless thoughts and ambitions by using their intellect and once freed from the clutches of earthly pleasures we can see the real god the Nataraja, who is the Ananda kosham or Eternal bliss”.
“From lord Vinayaka to lord Siva all depict same philosophy nothing is permanent,nothing is created nor destroyed only the forms change”.
“Time for you to change after all you know more than me”- it was more of one way lecture to the beleagured Dikshidars.
“What you threw into sea will come back next to lord Siva?”.
“A small shrine for Perumal will be remade so that he can also witness,the celestial dance”
“Lord Siva only can stop this and not you”-Krishnappa was talking without expecting any replies.
“What you did for Devarams was undone by Raja Raja chozhan with the help of lord Vinayaka?”.
“He used his brain by installing the statues of the great four scholars inside the temple but I’m just asking you and if you are not allowing I will use force”.
“It’s the will of Lord Vishnu to see the dance of Siva from the temple itself”.
Krishnappa just talked to a perplexed audience.
Krishnappa did what he had communicated.
By force he shifted the idol to that place.
Deeksidar’s permission was sought and their arguments were not accepted.
They tried their best to protest.
20 deekshidars climbed the gopuram and fell from the top and committed suicide.
2 dekshidars were shot dead by Krishanppa naik.He was in fact called Thuppaki (gun)Krishnappa.
Can we enter the temple now.
East gopuram is the main entry point of the temple.
The gopuram has lord ganesh on the right and lord muruga on the left.
The temple opens up and it has huge territory on either side and as we walk straight and then take a left and enter the second entrance of the temple.
As we descend inside the temple the sun and breeze evade of to a cool and relatively dark third pragaram(walkway) of the temple.
The feel of manickavasagar and his thiruvasagam can be heard throughout the temple to the discerning.
On the right side there is Devasabhai.
This is one of five sabhais(halls).
Godly deekshidars assemble here and decide about the temple administration now.
Chozha kings coronation to power happened at this place.
As of now all the utchavar idols are stationed here.
A beautiful Sanghu oothi vinayagar is in the outer wall of the devasabhai,don’t forget to see and seek his blessings.
As we see the devasabhai on the left prasadams are on sale.
Tamarind rice,curd rice etc are on sale for Rs20 per packet and the business is brisk.
No bills are given for the transaction and the money collected goes to the god’s descendants account.
As we enter the third praharam the stoned complex opens up and the Ponnamabalam or Chitambalam is seen straight and on the left there is Kanagasabhai.
The Ponnambalam is gold plated and has nine kalasams on the roof top.
To climb up the Ponnambalam one has to walk five steps which corresponds to five elements.
Lord nataraja can be seen from four places. One between Chitambalam and Kanagasabhai on the walk way.
We can pay Rs.100 to the Deekshidar and enter the Ponnambalam.
Once again no bill is given just a white slip which assigns you a number.
Inside Ponnamabalam, Nataraja can be seen close by.
There is Parvathy on the left and the Spatika lingam is also there.
Between 10.30 and 10.45 Am one can see Rathnasabapathy darshan too.
Nataraja can be seen again from Kanagasabhai which is right in front of Chitambalam.
We have to climb few steps and from here we can see the Anandha thandavam and also the Sayana perumal at the left.
This is pure divine, seeing Perumal and Siva in a single second,simultaneously.
From Kanagasabhai as we walk out looking nataraja we enter the stone walled third praharam on the west side.
Kodimaram and Ballipedam are present and the holy bull is absent.
The holy bull is replaced by Manickavasagar which can be felt and not seen.
If we climb few more steps on the left side we enter the Nadana sabhai or Niruthasabhai(Dancing hall)
Just before climbing up on the left side Kalasamharamurthi is present.
The main diety of the nadana sabhai is the dance of siva depicting “Oorthava Thandavam”.He has his left leg lifted upto the right ear apparently to fix the earing which had fallen down during his fight against Parvathi.
On the right side of the shrine we can see the arrogantly graceful “Sarabeshwarar”.
The best place to see the lord Nataraja is from the Nirutha Sabhai.
One can just sit between the pillars of Nadana sabhai and see the beautiful dance of Nataraja from a distance.
It has a calming influence on us and a beautiful connection with Nataraja initiates a process of self realisation.
As we walk down and turn left we can see Thayar sannadhi,consort of lord Vishnu.
Few more steps and lord Muruga carved on the pillar can be seen on the right.
Apparently the stone carving of lord Muruga increases in size every year.
Ornaments adorning him becomes a misfit after some years.
Muruga looks beautiful and his beauty had inspired Saint Arunagirinathar to sing hymns for this stone carved self expanding lord muruga.
We then turn on the right and walk forward for several steps we can enter the shrine of Moolanathar,the oldest and main siva temple.
This is a separate shrine by itself flanked by Dakshinamurthy,lord Vinayaka,lord Muruga and 63 nayanmars.
Lord Parvathi has a shrine to.
A small beautiful temple within the temple.
As we move out and on the left side we can see the place where the Thirumurais, were found.
The place is flanked by Santhanakuravargal and the fabulous four.
Few more steps and then we come to the starting place and see Deekshidars selling tamarind rice.
In front of lord Vishnu there is big gopuram and Garuda on the left.
This is another temple within the temple.
When we closely dissect the temple it actually has two more temples within it,one for Moolanathar and one for lord Vishnu.
Coming back to our unfinished Nandanar story now.
Thirupunkur is a smallish village near Vaitheswaran Kovil.
Nandanar wanted to visit the temple and see the Sivaloganathar.
“Sir,can I go one day to see Poonkur sivan”.
“You can go but how can you see him”.
“Sir, I will go there and pray sir and if Siva wants to show himself I will be lucky”
“Nanda you are a pariah and how you can see him,go today let me see whether Siva opens his door for you”.
“Go after finishing work and go after 6 pm.”
Nandanar was very happy and he along with his friends started walking towards the temple after 6 pm
“Nanda by the time we reach the temple it will be night and how we can see Siva from outside”.
“Your master is very intelligent Nanda even if we go near the temple we can see only from outside”.
“There is a big holy bull which will show only it's back”
“We are low class and the Brahmins will not open the door also”.
“We will go I may not get a chance again”
“Ok Nanda because of you we are coming and no alcohol too,today”.
The godly children started towards the temple.
By the time they reached the temple it was begining of the night and the temple’s main sanctum was closed.
“Nanda what we can do?”
“We all will pray from outside and go back.”
“Dear friends we are all untouchables and slaves”.
“Our only solace is lord Siva”
“He is the only man who understands our feelings and emotions and he will definitely show himself as he is my god and mother”.
Nandanar started praying and singing.
After few minutes the door of the main sanctum opened.
“Nanda what's this miracle the main door has opened”
The main sanctum’s lamps got lit on its own.
The temple bell automatically started making sounds.
The villagers started coming towards the temple.
Nanda was praying without opening his eyes, “Nanda the door has opened,but we cannot see the lord because the bull is obstructing”.
Nanda opened his eyes and started crying.
“Holly bull is also god”,uttered Nanda.
“Move away,Nandi,I want to see Nandanar”,ordered Sivaloganathar,the lord of Thirupunkur.
Lord Siva wanted to see Nandanar.
“Varnasramam was man made and not made by me”
“All are equal before me”.
Siva saw Nandhanar and Nandhanar also saw Siva.
Enlightenment and equality started with Nandanar which was later carried forward by Periyar in Tamilnadu.
This is another miracle associated with Nandhanar.
Nandanar walked through the fire as per chief priests orders.
For Nandhanar,lord had ploughed the paddy fields.
For Nandhanar, lord Siva moved the obstructing holly bull.
For Nandhanar, lord Siva appeared in the dreams of Thillaivazh anthanargal.
For Nandhanar, now,lord Siva made the fire a breeze.
Nothing happened to Nandhanar.
The way he went inside the fire he came out the same way.
When he came out he did not have the holy thread across the chest or he became a Brahmin.
He was Nandanar,he was low class but he was a man with Siva’s blessings.
Nandanar entered the sanctum and God absorbed him as a Pariah,most importantly as a man and as a Saivite.
Next day the Thillai vazh anthanargal assembled again.
“How can this happen”
“It's a miracle”
“Change the story”,the chief uttered.
“Tell everyone,the dark Nandanar became white and the holy thread appeared once he came out of fire”
“He became an Anthanan and became Sivam will be the story”
The godly group was happy.
“The south entrance will be walled off”
“Close it,Nandan’s way will be blocked, because it has become unclean”.
The godly group did things only they can comprehend and decipher.
The south entrance is still walled of and the holly bull will see the wall and not lord Siva.
The bull turned its way for Nandanar.
Chitambalam means god is everywhere and equal to all,THE TOLD OR KNOWN SECRET.
The blocked southern entrance means even the holly bull cannot see lord Siva.
The social justice which started with Nandanar and lord Siva has still not materialised in our country.
When will that happen is the UNTOLD secret of Chidambaram.?
Utchavar- metal idols taken out for procession during festival days.
Mukkuruni Vinayakar is also present at Madurai,Meenakshi Amman temple.
Thillai vazh Anthanargal,informed Raja Raja chozhan that,only if four nayanmars,ie sundarar,Appar,Manickavasagar and thirugnanasambandar come together they can open the room where thirumurais were present.Rajaraja chozhan installed four idols of the fabulous four and indirectly forced the Anthanargal to open the room.
Kulotungachozhan 2 was a Saivite and kulothungan chozhan ula a book,written on him states Perumal went to his original place.
He was also called as Kirmikonda chozhan because of the cancer he had in his neck.He built the rajasabhai,the 1000 pillared monument.
Varnasramam was a system of stratification of people based on their colour and occupation as low class or high class.
Sarabeshwarar is a form of lord Siva who tamed the fierce Siva.(the main idol is at Thirubhuvanam).
Thiruthondarpuranam was sung by sundarar where he talks about 63 nayanmars life and work.
Thatacharya was the chief minister for Krishnadevaraya and Raja guru-a guide for the king.
Thata - means holy father.
Anthanar - means Brahmin - High class people.